Wednesday, 26 October 2011

International Financial Reporting Standards

A global standard requires a global solution
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been widely adopted throughout the world. Developed so that financial statements may be produced, read and understood by both local and international market players, IFRS is a critical element of our global economy. However, with global standards, comes the need for a global solution, and no solution covers more of the globe than Wolters Kluwer Financial Services RiskPro.
Our RiskPro solution accurately captures, aggregates, calculates and distributed the financial statements required for IFRS compliance. Collecting financial data from multiple sources and storing it in our DataFoundation, RiskPro’s IFRS module provides a comprehensive set of reports including the following:
  • Statement of Financial Position
  • Statement of Comprehensive Income (Income Statement and reconciled statement of Profit or Loss on the Income statement to total comprehensive income)
  • Statement of Changes in Equity (SOCE)
  • Cash Flow Statement or Statement of Cash Flows

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